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[건설소재] 유리섬유 보강근 GFRP REBAR

유리섬유 강화 플라스틱 GFRP(Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic) 콘크리트 보강근 개발 및 공급

Product Overview

기존 콘크리트 기초의 주 보강근인 철근은 부식으로 인해 막대한 유지보수 비용이 발생하고, 부식된 철근으로 인한 부실시공 시 건축구조물 안전에 큰 영향을 끼칠 수 있습니다. 철근 대체 보강재로 개발된 저희 GFRP REBAR 는 철보다 강하고 알루미늄보다 가벼우며, 녹슬지 않는 친환경 신소재를 사용해 일반 철근 대비 26%의 경량성과 2배 이상의 인장강도 및 내부식성이 큰 장점이 있습니다.

Product competitiveness

Resource Recycling

Byproducts such as discarded wood and sawdust from logging are recycled into wood flour. The raw materials, wood flour and polymer resin, can be recycled after use.

Easy maintenance

Maintenance is possible with a simple water cleaning, without any separate preservative treatment or maintenance such as oil stain.

Carbon reduction

We are practicing carbon reduction by recycling discarded wood and protecting forest resources by reducing the wood content.

Non-hazardous to humans

Does not emit harmful substances such as arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), hydrogen (Hg), and lead (Pb).


It is excellent as a material for various outdoor facilities due to its excellent resistance to external environmental factors. It is less prone to discoloration, wear and cracking, and is resistant to insects, mold and moisture, boasting a longer lifespan than natural wood.

Various industries

It is widely applied in various industries such as architecture and construction, automobiles, furniture, and packaging materials.

Construction Cases

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